目的了解斑马鱼核纤层蛋白(lamins)的重要遗传信息。方法在UCSC、Vega及Ensemble数据库上收集了不同物种核纤层蛋白家族相关蛋白质序列,利用Clustal X工具进行分析,并用MEGA 4.0软件绘制进化树;通过NCBI网站上BLAST工具将斑马鱼核纤层蛋白的蛋白质序列与不同物种的相对应的蛋白质序列进行对比,最后将人类、小鼠及斑马鱼的lamins基因信息,进行共线性分析。结果对核纤层蛋白相关基因进行生物信息学分析后显示斑马鱼的核纤层蛋白与人类的相似程度高,推断lmna、lmnb1和lmnb2基因在进化过程中高度保守。结论编码斑马鱼lamins的基因lmna、lmnb1和lmnb2等可能是人类LMNA、LMNB1和LMNB2等基因的直向同源物。
Objective Type A lamins are encoded by LMNA and a major component of the nuclear lamina,which have been suggested to play important roles in chromatin organization,transcription,DNA replication,and cell apoptosis.The aim of this study was to analyze the bioinformation of zebrafish lamins. Methods A phylogeny analysis was figured out with protein sequences of different species by Clustal X and MEGA 4. 0 software. Then we compared the lamin protein sequences of different species with that of zebrafish by BLAST tool from NCBI. A figure of synteny analysis results was done with lamin sequence information of humans,murine and zebrafish cited from UCSC,Vega and Ensemble. Results The analysis results showed that lmna,lmnb1,and lmnb2 genes of zebrafish are highly conservative and they may be homology of human LMNA,LMNB1 and LMNB2 genes. Conclusions Zebrafish lamins and human lamins have homologous sequence similarity,indicating that these two genes are orthologous genes.
Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica