以中国科学引文数据库(Chinese Science Citation Database,CSCD)为视角,采用文献计量法,文章对贵州师范大学2005—2015年被CSCD收录论文的年代趋势、论文被引情况、论文学科分布等进行了统计分析,以此研究贵州师范大学自然科学的发展。结果表明:贵州师范大学培育出了一大批具有影响力的学者,学科优势明显;主要优势学科为数学、物理学、化学、植物学、自动化技术、计算机技术等学科。
This paper studies the development of natural science in Guizhou Normal University by statistical analysis of the published time, the number of times published papers are cited and the discipline distribution of all the papers included by the CSCD (Chinese Science Citation Database)from 2005 to 2015 using the method of biliometrie analysis from the perspective of CSCD. The results show that Guizhou Normal University has produced a large number of influential scholars enjoys obvious advantage in its disciplines, with superiority in such disciplines as mathematics, physics, chemistry, botany, automation and computer technology.
Jiangsu Science and Technology Information