
基于本体的机场安全热点特征分析方法 被引量:2

Ontology-based approach for airdrome safety hotspots analysis
摘要 针对民用机场热点特征识别与分类需求,在Protégé中构建机场热点的顶层概念框架并描述逻辑(DLs)表达,引入对机场安全热点在不同层面形式化的描述,建立机场安全热点领域本体,以Fa CT++推理机将热点按不同特征分类推理。该方法的意义在于为机场热点特征识别信息化和热点分类协同工作的全过程提供了一定的语义支撑,管制员可以直观、全面地掌握热点区域状况。 According to the demands for characteristics identification and classification of civil airdrome hotspots, the toplevel concept framework of hotspots is built using with Protege tool, the core terminology is validated by descriptive logics, introducing formalized description of airport safety hot spots at different levels. A domain ontology is established, in which hotspots are classified in accordance with features based on FACT++. This approach has benefits on common knowledge construction of airport hotspots identification and classification. It can also help controllers to know hotspots" risk level directly and completely.
出处 《中国民航大学学报》 CAS 2016年第4期16-20,26,共6页 Journal of Civil Aviation University of China
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(3122013P008 3122014P040) 国家空管委基金项目(GKG201410003)
关键词 机场安全热点 顶层概念 领域本体 FaCT++ 热点分类 airdrome safety hotspots top-level concept domain ontology FACT++ hotspots classification
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