
燃气轮机燃烧室网络式流量分配设计 被引量:1

Network flow split design of combustor in gas turbine
摘要 采用一维网络式方法对某型燃烧室进行流量分配设计,并作三维数值模拟验证。网络式方法将燃烧室分割为若干个独立的单元,各单元互相关联构成整体网络。整体网络通过压力关系式求解,得到各元件压力损失、质量流量等性能参数。对某型燃烧室结构进行网络化建模并作优化设计,目标包括:1各排主燃孔及气膜冷却孔流量分配;2燃烧室进出口压降4.2%。对优化后的燃烧室结构作三维数值模拟并与一维网络优化结果对比验证。结果显示:二者吻合很好,各排孔的流量分配以及燃烧室总压损失目标均实现良好,显示一维网络方法在燃烧室复杂结构设计中的精确性和可靠性。 A gas turbine combustor is modeled and designed using 1-D network method, and the result is validated compared with the result of 3-D numerical simulation. The network method divides the combustor into a series of 1- D sub-flows, the 1-D network is solved with pressure equations and the sub-flows are linked together in the overall governing equations to obtain a complete solution of the entire flow field. In this way, pressure-drops and flow-splits may be obtained throughout the region of interest. A 1-D network is applied to model and optimize the specific combustor with targets include mass flow split of primary holes and cooling holes and the total pres- sure drop which is equal to 4.2%. Finally, numerical simulation of this new combustor is carried out and the results are compared with 1-D network, indicating that the targets are achieved well. Results of 1-D network match well with those of numerical simulation, demonstrating the accuracy and reliability of 1-D network approach in the design of complex combustors.
出处 《中国民航大学学报》 CAS 2016年第4期53-58,共6页 Journal of Civil Aviation University of China
关键词 燃气轮机 燃烧室 一维网络 流量分配 燃烧 gas turbine combustor 1-D network flow split combustion
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