
“时”的农业伦理学诠释 被引量:9

Interpretation of the Concept "Timing" in Light of Agricultural Ethics
摘要 不违农时是中华民族对农业伦理的本初认知。时是中国农业伦理观的重要元素。时在农业伦理系统中演绎为时序、时段、时宜等符号,并最后升华为际会。时序表述农业生态系统的序的时间状态,有间断、延续和连缀,农业的时序社会趋同性形成节日。时段是表述某一时的区限内所发生的农业事件的片段,是农事的阶段,是新旧伦理观的演替过程。新的伦理观应包含旧伦理观的合理基因。时宜是农事的时间契合点,是农事活动效果的保证。际会表达事物在从发生到消亡这一过程中,与周围事物的相对坐标的契舍,是时、空、事件的三维耦合过程。际会常有而不常驻。中国农业时序可分为氏族社会、封建社会与皇权社会及后工业化社会等三个阶段。每一阶段都有自己的农业时宜伦理观。中国自20世纪80年代开始,30年内匆忙走完了发达国家300年的工业化道路,进入后工业化时代,热衷于GDP,农业伦理严重缺失。当前应聚焦生产与生态兼顾,尊重自然,持续发展,彻底消除城乡二元结构的历史伤痕。遵循农事活动的常态性原则、生态保护原则、农业地带性原则、服务市场原则等原则系列,在偿还巨额生态赤字的同时,建立符合后现代化社会需求的中国农业理论系统的全新时宜观。 Not to interfere with farming season is the early Chinese cognitive perception of agricultural ethics. Farming in compliance to "timing" is an important element of Chinese agricultural ethics. "Timing" can be deciphered as temporal sequence, temporal interval, and temporal fitness, etc., and eventually it is sublimated to mean appropriateness to the occasion. Temporal sequence indicates the state of time in agricultural ecosystem, such as being intermittent, continual, and concatenate. Convergence of temporal sequence in society results in the formation of festivals. Temporal intervals indicate the periods when agricultural events happen. They refer to period of farming events, representing the succession process from the old to the new agricultural ethics. The new agricultural ethics should inherit the reasonable elements of the old agricultural ethics. Temporal appropriateness stands for the piecing point, which is the assurance of the effect of farming activities. Temporal appropriateness means fitting together of the things with the relative coordinates of sur- rounding things in the process from birth to death-it is a three-dimensional coupling process of time, space, and the object, which takes place occasionally but not permanently. In China, agricultural sequence can be divided into tribal society, feudal or imperial society, and post-industrial society. Each society has its own agricultural ethics. Starting from the 1980s, China used 30 years to have realized industrialization, which took other western countries 300 years, and entered post-industrial society, which is keen on the improvement of GDP while agricultural ethics was neglected. The paper argues that for the time being, production and eco- logical protection should be balanced; nature should be respected; sustainable development should be achieved; and the damage caused by the loss of balanced urban-rural dual structure should be remedied. At the same time, farming activities should follow the principle of normality, the principle of ecological protection, the principle of agricultural zones, and the principle of respecting the market. Simply, on the one hand, huge ecological deficits are to be redeemed, while an updated agricultural ethics should be established in conformation to the needs of post-modernized society.
作者 任继周
出处 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期1-8,共8页 Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
基金 2016年国家社科基金西部项目"生态文明战略视域中的‘中国农业伦理学'研究"(16XZX013)
关键词 时序 际会 氏族社会 封建社会 皇权社会 后工业化社会 temporal sequence appropriateness of occasion tribal society feudal society imperial society postindustrial society
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