1The Swedish Club over 125 years, by The Swedish Club and the authors, 1997, p. 107.
2Edgar Gold, Book Review (P & I Clubs : Law and Practice (2nd edition) , LLP, 1994 by Steven J. Hazelwood) , Journal of Maritime Law and Commeree, Vol. 26,No. 1,1995. p. 179.
3British Shipping Laws, Vol. 13: Margaret Patey , P & I Clubs p. 207.
4Steven J. Hazelwood, P & I Clubs : Law and Practice (3rd edition) , LLP,2000. p. 1.
5Steven J Hazelwood, P & I Clulm : Law and practice (3rd edition) , LLP, 2000. p. 3.
6Steven J Hazelwood, P & I Clulm : law and Pmetice(3rd edition) ,LLP,2000. pp. 3 - 5.
7Edgar Gold, Maritime Transport—The Evolution of International Marine Policy and Shipping Law, Lexing Books, Toronto, 1981,pp. 117 - 118.
8British Shipping Laws, Vol.13: Margaret Patey , P & I Clubs. p. 213.
9Steven J Hazelwood, P & I Clubs : Law and Praetiee(3rd edition) ,LLP, 2000.pp.6-8. British Shipping Laws, Vol. 13: Margmet Patey, P & I Clubso pp. 216- 217.
10M Hopkins, A Manual of Marine Insurance, London,1867, p. 391.