
创业型大学模式的现实表达与路径依赖 被引量:5

The Realistic Expression and Path Dependencies of Entrepreneurial University Models
摘要 创业型大学崛起已成为"全球现象",沿着非同质路径发展。向创业型大学的努力高度依赖环境、文化,并不适合所有的大学。而特定的高等教育模式与传统潜在地规定了创业变革路径的选择,使创业型大学呈现多元表达形式与路径依赖。本研究基于高等教育模式演变的视角,切入透视"洪堡"、"拿破仑"、"盎格鲁-撒克逊"三大经典高等教育模式及基于此演化而来的"盎格鲁-美国"模式与传统中的创业型大学演变史,归纳并分析处于持续演化中的"洪堡"-研究创业型、"拿破仑"-教学创业型、"盎格鲁-撒克逊"-教育创业型与"盎格鲁-美国"-研究创业型四种模式的具体表达形式和路径依赖。创业型大学的形成缘于传统与现实的博弈,创业型大学模式的个性表达是基于特有高等教育模式的自我选择,创业型大学生态的形成有赖于模式匹配与协同演化。 It has been confirmed that the concept of entrepreneurial university is a global phenomenon with an isomorphic development path.The efforts towards entrepreneurial university model are highly dependent on context and culture in that entrepreneurial university model is not suitable for all universities.Specific model and tradition of higher education define the choice of pathways of entrepreneurial transformation potentially,which leads to diverse forms and pathways of entrepreneurial universities.Given the situation that the current model is unclear and not matching the concept,the evolutionary histories of entrepreneurial universities among three classical models of higher education such as Humboldtian model,Napoleonic model,Anglo-Saxon model and Anglo-American model based on those three classical models have been examined from the perspective of the evolution of higher education,and the specific forms of expression and pathways dependent of these four models of entrepreneurial universities have been analyzed and summarized in this paper.As a result,the true connotation of entrepreneurial university can be understood in the internal logic of development of higher education,and the common disciplines of academic organizational transformation can be revealed in the evolutionary paths of entrepreneurial universities.
作者 刘叶 冯国境
出处 《高教发展与评估》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期6-13,59,共9页 Higher Education Development and Evaluation
基金 教育部人文社科青年基金项目"创业型大学的形成机理及其实践路径研究"(14JC880039) 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题"创业型大学的演化机制及其发展路径研究"(15NDJC194YB) 综合改革试点专业建设项目(行政管理)(zyjh201305)
关键词 创业型大学模式 经典高等教育模式 学术创业 大学组织变革 大学第三使命 entrepreneurial universities models classical higher education models academic entrepreneur university organizational transformation the third mission of universities
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