
亚欧四国世界一流大学建设比较研究 被引量:10

A Comparative Study of Building World Class Universities in Four Asia-European Nations:A Policy View of Germany,France,Japan and Korea
摘要 面对日益激烈的国际竞争,母语均为非英语,教育体制均为中央集权制的德国、法国、日本和韩国尽管对世界一流大学的理论认识模糊,但分别于2005年、2010年、2002年和1999年开始了各自的"卓越计划"、"卓越大学计划"、"21世纪卓越基地计划"以及"21世纪智慧韩国工程",对世界一流大学建设实践进行探索。由于四国世界一流大学建设政策制定的背景和内容的不同,它们所取得的建设成效也各有差异。从政策背景来看:政策的执行时间不一致,人均GDP和高教生均经费/人均GDP的差异较大,但是四国的教育经费/GDP和科研经费/GDP比较接近,可见四国对教育和科研的重视,为其世界一流大学建设奠定了思想和经济基础;人才储备差异较大,其中日本的人才储备最完备,法国次之,德国和韩国则在研究人员和高等教育人口上各有劣势;四国的高等教育体制均属于集权制,因此其在大学入学权、大学所有权、财政预算、课程设置以及教员身份上都受中央政府或者国家的控制。从政策内容来看:建设资金相差悬殊;建设周期都较长且都分期进行;除法国同时注重建设大学和研究生院外,其他三国的建设对象均为大学;四国都选择了将少部分大学建设成为世界一流大学的"集中战略"。从政策效应来看:德国的"卓越计划"极大改善了参与大学的基本面貌,促进了跨学科合作,为青年研究者(特别是博士后青年研究者)提供了科研机会,但是该政策也对德国的大学治理、人力资源发展以及学科发展产生了负面效应;在"2003年危机"的刺激下,法国2010年"卓越大学计划"的外显目的仍然是提升其在上海交通大学世界大学学术排名中的位次,但是时至今日法国甚至并未达到这一直接目的;日本"21世纪卓越基地计划"促成了极致的研究,建成了教育基地,雇佣了青年研究人员,建立了大学校长领导下的有效治理结构,促进了校企合作以及实施了双专业教育体系;韩国的"BK21工程"在扩大韩国知识分子规模的同时,极大提高了科研的质量。 Facing fierce competition,Germany,France,Japan and Korea,whose native language all are non-English,with a centralized educational system,had a vague theoretic cognition on world-class university,but happened to have the same view to executed each own world-class university policy,i.e.Initiative for Excellence,Initiatives d'excellence,21 st Century Center of Excellence Program and the Brain Korea 21 Project,respectively.As the background and content of those policies varied,the effects caused by them therefore were different.From the perspective of policies' background,first,the execution time of four world-class university policies,the Per Capita GDP and the higher education average individual educational fund/Per Capita GDP of four countries were quite different,while the educational fund/GDP and scientific research fund/GDP of four countries were approximate,which proved that the four countries highlighted their education and scientific research and had established a thought and economic base for the construction of worldclass university;second,the reserve of talents of the four countries for the world-class university construction varied greatly,among which Japan's reserve of talents were the most complete,while France's came the second,and Germany and Korea both had their weaknesses on their researchers and population receiving higher education.Last but not least,the higher education system of Germany,France,Japan and Korea all were centralized,and thus the entrance rights and ownerships of universities,financial budget,curriculum provision and instructors' identities were controlled by the central government or the state with a great similarity.From the perspective of policies' content,the constructing funds of four countries varied greatly with a long phased construction period;as to constructed objects,except that Germany built both universities and graduate schools,other three countries only built universities;as to the quantity of constructed objects,four countries all chose a concentration strategy,i.e.selecting a few universities as targets to construct world-class universities.From the perspective of policies' effects,Germany's Initiative for Excellence greatly improved participated universities' basic conditions,promoted interdisciplinary cooperation and supplied scientific opportunities for young researchers,especially post-doctoral young researchers,but this policy caused negative effects on German universities' governance and the development of human resource and subjects.The explicit goal of France's Initiatives d'excellence stimulated by ' 2003Crisis' and executed in 2010 was upgrading its ranking on ARWU,but the goal hasn't been achieved until now.Japan's 21 st Century Center of Excellence Program facilitated perfect research,built educational bases,hired young researchers,established effective governance structure under the leadership of university presidents,and promoted university-industry cooperation and executed educational system.Korea's Brain Korea 21 Project not only expanded the size of Korean intellectuals,but also improved the quality of intellectuals and scientific research.
出处 《高教发展与评估》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期36-44,88-89,共9页 Higher Education Development and Evaluation
关键词 世界一流大学 教育政策 大学治理 教育体系 world class universities educational policies university governance educational system
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