

Selection of Proved Cases of Spleen and Stomach Disease Treated by CHEN Shaoxia, YANG Shoushan and BAO Zhusheng
摘要 清代吴中多出名医,善于总结经验,著书立说,为后世留下大量的理论与医案专著。本文主要通过分析《吴医汇案》治疗脾胃病的验案,总结陈少霞、杨寿山、鲍竺笙三位吴中医家的临证组方思路,为临床脾胃病治疗提供有益借鉴。吴中医家陈少霞根据脾胃虚弱,脏腑功能失调病机,温清并用,扶正祛邪治疗脾胃病。杨寿山尤善以健脾和胃,培固后天之本,辅以醒脾祛湿为法。鲍竺笙注重审症求因,运脾燥湿,滋水涵木,交通阴阳。吴中医家治疗脾胃病过程中并非一味重用滋补建中之法,而是攻补兼施,以健脾益气为主,兼顾醒脾化湿、滋阴和胃、协调阴阳等多法,他们的辨证思路与用药特色值得我们学习和借鉴。 In Qing Dynasty, there were more famous doctors in Wuzhou area, who were good at summing up experience and wrote books and set up the theories, which leaves a lot of books for the later generations. In this paper, through analyzing proved cases of spleen and stomach disease in Selection of Cases in Wuzhou Area, we summarized composing prescriptions thought of CHEN Shaox-ia, YANG Shoushan and BAO Zhusheng from Wuzhou area, which provides useful reference for clinical treatment of spleen and stomach disease. According to the pathogenesis of spleen and stomach weakness and viscera dysfunction, CHEN Shaoxia was good at using the method of the combination of warming and cooling, strengthening healthy qi to eliminate pathogens in spleen and stomach disease treatment. YANG Shoushan was skilled in reinforcing spleen and stomach for cultivating the acquired constitution, supple-mented by awakening spleen function and eliminating damp. BAO Zhu Sheng paid attention to the method of symptoms differentiation for identifying etiology, used the method of reinforcing spleen and drying dampness, nourishing kidney( water) for restraint liver(wood), and communicating yin and yang. They not only pay attention to the method of nourishing and building the middle energizer in spleen and stomach disease treatment of the doctors from Wuzhou area, but use the method of benefiting and attacking, give priori-ty to strenthening the spleen for tonifying qi, supplemented by awakening spleen function and eliminating damp, nourishing yin and regulating the stomach, and regulating yin and yang etc. Their syndrome differentiation thinking and medication characteristic is worth learning and using for reference.
出处 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2016年第15期74-76,共3页 Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
基金 河南省高等教育教学改革研究立项课题(No:2014SJGLX230)
关键词 陈少霞 杨寿山 鲍竺笙 脾胃病 医案 CHEN Shaoxia YANG Shoushan BAO Zhu Sheng spleen and stomach disease medical cases
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