Collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm has been widely studied, and widely applied in recent years in many business sys- tems, such as Amazon, Taobao, etc. In practice, collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm faces the problem of data sparsity and low accuracy. The user-item matrix, which is the basic of collaborative filtering, is usually very sparse (with a large number of missing data), and this leads to inaccurate results. This paper attempts to improve the accuracy of collaborative filtering recommendation from two aspects: ( 1 ) the similarity between users and items ; (2) the prediction of missing data. Firstly, we used the enhanced Pearson Correlation Algorithm to improve the accuracy of user, item similarity calculation by increasing parameters. Then we proposed a new method for predicting missing data, which is based on both the information of users and the information of items. In our algorithm, we set similarity threshold respectively for the user and the item, and only when users or items similarity meet or exceed the threshold, the missing data is predicted. In the prediction process, we used both the user and the item similarity information to improve the accuracy of the algorithm. Finally, through the experimental analysis of the data set of Taobao mobile client, we found that our algorithm is superior to other collaborative filtering algorithms, and the robustness of da- ta sparsity is much higher.
Microcomputer & Its Applications
collaborative filtering
recommender system
missing data prediction
data sparsity