
正庚烷辅助高能球磨引起的GdCo_5合金的歧化、脱氢及再结合反应 被引量:2

Disproportionation of GdCo_5 alloy induced by high-energy ball-milling in heptane and subsequent desorption and recombination
摘要 报导了一种由正庚烷辅助高能球磨引起GdCo5合金的歧化,以及随后的脱氢和再化合反应。在正庚烷中球磨400min,部分GdCo5相发生歧化反应,生成Gd的氢化物GdH2+δ和单质Co。随后在真空中加热到800℃,GdH2+δ脱去H原子与Co重新化合生Gd2Co17。Gd2Co17是面各向异性,但最终产物中还有未歧化的GdCo5相,样品具有460kA/m的矫顽力。球磨更长时间(600、800、1 000min)以上,GdCo5合金的完全歧化,脱氢后的产物中除了Gd2Co17又出现了α-Co和GdCoC2相。由于没有了GdCo5相,产物矫顽力几乎为零。H原子和C原子来源于正庚烷的分解。 The disproportionations of GdCo5 alloy induced by high-energy ball milling in heptane and subsequent de sorption and recombinations are reported. High energy ball milled in heptane for 400 minutes, partial GdCo5, phase of the Gd Co ingot disproportionate into GdH2+δ and or-Co. Subsequently heating in vacuum from room temperature to 800 ℃ , H atom is removed from GdH2+δ and Gd2 Coj7 phase is formed. Gd2 Co17 phase is planar magnetocrystallie anisotropic, while due to the remaining of GdCo5 phase, the product exhibit a coercivity of 460 kA/m. More milling time (600,800 and 1000 min) results in the completed disproportionation of GdCo5 phase and the appearance of α-Co and GdCoC2 phase besides the Gd2 Co17 phase. H and C atoms come from the decomposition of heptane. Because there is no GdCo5 phase, the samples are magnetically soft.
出处 《金属功能材料》 CAS 2016年第4期40-43,共4页 Metallic Functional Materials
关键词 稀土永磁材料 高能球磨 歧化 永磁特性 permanent rare-earth magnet high-energy ball milling disproportionation permanent magnetic properties
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