
高等医学院校专业人才梯队建设中入职遴选与培养模式探析 被引量:1

Considerations on the recruitment and training of medical college teachers for the professional team assembling
摘要 人才队伍是高校实力的体现和发展的基础,青年科技人才的选拔和培养决定了未来的科技竞争力,也是科教事业持续发展和继往开来的保障.高等医学院校作为集医、教、研于一体的专业人才培养基地,师资队伍的梯队建设尤为重要.以2014-2015年度某医科大学某专业学系199位求职应聘者的简历为研究对象,采集了简历中个人特征描述、教育背景、科研工作经历以及科研成果等多层面的信息,通过大数据研究模式的关联分析,重点分析了应聘人员的既往成果产出与其个人成长模式间的联系.借助大数据分析的策略和平台,通过对人事及业绩数据的解析,识别出青年科技人才成长的2种常见模式.研究结果为高等医学院校师资入职遴选和后续的人才培养提供重要的参考和依据,该研究也为医学高等教育院校师资供应现状的情况分析提供了以专业为基础的实用手段和分层关联的信息. Talent teams serve as part of the foundation for the potentials for future development of the colleges and universities.The selection and training of young scientific and technological talents determine the future power and impact of the colleges and universities.The competition in continuous development of science and education demands the recruitment of young talents in professional fields for the long flourish of universities.Especially in modem medical colleges and universities,the needs from all aspects of teaching,research and practice for young productive personnel became overwhelmingly important.In the present paper,we took the 199 candidates during 2014-2015 to the department as the sample set and extracted quantifiable data from their personal application files,including educational backgrounds,research experiences,as well as research performance and publications.The results have provided a current threedimensional representative and visualized summary of the candidate pool in biomedical disciplines.Using correlation analysis for big data at multiple levels,two models applying to trainee's self-development were identified.The results provided an important reference and basis for the consideration of selection and designing of training programs for the young talents in medical education institutions.The study also provided a practical mean for the analysis of the current situation of the supply of talents in medical education institutions.
出处 《中华医学教育杂志》 2016年第3期347-351,404,共6页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education
关键词 医学人才 梯队建设 绩效评估 成长模式 大数据分析 Medical talents Team building Performance evaluation Self-development model Big data analyses
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