
“非遗”传承中的社会主义核心价值观诉求 被引量:4

Appeal for the Socialist Core Values in the Transmission of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
摘要 构建社会主义核心价值,必须充分吸收利用优秀文化成果。蕴含丰富价值资源的"非遗",是涵养社会主义核心价值观的重要源泉。"非遗"的产生流传见证了民众最朴素的祈求国泰民安的意愿表达;"非遗"的产生发展,充分彰显了和谐因素的价值构成。因此"非遗"的形成虽是历史的发生,但却不是对过往的依恋,也不是对历史的表象记忆,而是对传统文化基因的延续发展,这种传统文化与现代文明交织共生,它的传承发展始终伴随着自由、平等,爱国、敬业的人文价值表达,其传承意味着民族精神在当代的延续发展。当下"非遗"的活态传承,将其精神传播融入到生活世界里,既实现了传统文化的现实价值,又成为民众践行社会主义核心价值的文化平台。非物质文化遗产与社会主义核心价值,两者之间联系紧密、相互作用,并与现代和谐社会的发展达成一致。 It is necessary to absorb and use the excellent cultural fruits to establish the socialist core values. The intangible cultural heritage (abbreviated as Feiyi in Chinese ) which contains profound valuable re- sources is an important source for cultivating the socialist core values. The generation and dissemination of Feiyi witness the basic wish of the general public - for the country to be prosperous and the people to be hap- py. Also, the generation and development of Feiyi manifest the basic values that constitute the element of harmony. Though Feiyi was formed in the past, it is not for reminiscence, nor for presentational memory of the history, rather, it is for continuous development of the gene of the traditional culture which is entwined with modern civilization. Furthermore, the transmission and development of Feiyi are always accompanied by the humanistic values of freedom, equality, patriotism and career dedication and the transmission of Fciyi means the continuous development of the national spirit in present society. Now the dissemination of the spir- it of Feiyi is integrated in the everyday life world in the living transmission with the result that the realistic values of the traditional culture are realized and the socialist core values are implemented by the general pub- lic at the cultural platform. Intangible cultural heritage and socialist core values are closed connected and in- teracted with each other, which is in line with the development of the modern harmonious society.
作者 刘倩 何平
出处 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2016年第4期225-232,共8页 Ethnic Art Studies
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十三五"规划2016年度项目"马克思主义研究专项"(MYZX201642) 华南理工大学中国非物质文化遗产保护研究基地项目(2014JDPY05) 广东省文化厅非物质文化遗产研究课题"非物质文化遗产保护视域下广东传统音乐的考察研究"(粤文非遗2014.3号)阶段性成果~~
关键词 非物质文化遗产 社会主义核心价值观 文化基因 民族精神 文化平台 和谐社会 intangible cultural heritage, socialist core values, cultural gene, national spirit, cultural plat- form, harmonious society
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