目的 :适应军队老干部高龄期、高发病期的医疗保健需要,探索一种院所一体化的医疗服务模式。方法 :利用云技术,在干休所建立家庭病房服务站,家庭病房配备移动监测终端,老干部的生命体征通过数据专线直接存储到医院局域网内的服务器上,供医院家庭病房医生和家庭病房服务站医生查看。结果:医院家庭病房医生和家庭病房服务站医生实时互动,对所服务老干部实施诊断治疗等。结论:网络化的家庭病房实现了远程信息共享,提高了老干部医疗服务的水平,逐步迈向区域医疗信息化阶段。
Objective To propose an integrated medical service mode to meet the requirements of military veteran cadres with high age and high disease incidence. Methods A family-mode medical station in the sanatorium and a mobile monitoring at familial ward were set up, and the data on the vital signs could be stored in the server in hospital LAN by cloud technology and then showed to the doctors at the station or the familial ward. Results The doctors at the station or the familial ward could communicate with each other to diagnose and treat the military veteran cadres. Conclusion With information shared in networked family wards, the heath service for retired cadres is improved obviously, and the regional medical information technology is building.
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal