
社会媒体参与下从众行为对管理创新扩散的影响 被引量:2

The Impact of Bandwagon on Management Innovation Diffusion in the Context of Social Medias
摘要 从众行为影响管理创新扩散已成为共识,社会媒体参与下的从众行为发生了诸多变化,进而影响管理创新扩散的方向和速度。创造性地将从众行为解构为从众搜索、从众转换和信息传播3个要素,分析了社会媒体对3个要素的影响。构建了社会媒体参与下从众行为影响管理创新扩散的系统动力学模型,通过仿真发现:降低从众搜索强度和提高从众转换概率会改变管理创新扩散方向,而变化信息传播结构不会改变扩散方向,但会加速扩散过程。 It is acknowledged that bandwagon has an impact on management innovation diffusion. The characteristics ofbandwagon have changed dramatically in the context of social medias, which affects the direction and speed of management innovation diffusion. First, bandwagon is deconstructed creatively into bandwagon search, bandwagon conversion and in- formation communication, then the impacts which social medias impose on the above factors are analyzed. The paper putsforward the system dynamics model which explains the impact of bandwagon on management innovation diffusion with the involvement of social medias, and the simulation results show that the decrease in bandwagon search intensity and the in- crease in bandwagon conversion rate invert the direction of management innovation diffusion while the change of informa- tion communication structure can't invert the direction, just accelerating the diffusion process.
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第17期1-7,共7页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(15BGL032) 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究项目(2014SJB796) 江苏省高校社科重点基金项目(2015DIXM017) 江苏省"六大人才高峰"计划项目(2014-JY-010)
关键词 社会媒体 从众行为 管理创新扩散 系统动力学 Social Medias Bandwagon Management Innovation Diffusion System Dynamics
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