Yom Sang-seop is a renow ned modern Korean novelist,w ho has w ritten many realistic novels,depicting various characters and objectively reflecting all the aspects of Korean society under Japanese colonization. The features of his novels are show n mainly by his tw o masterpieces: Man se jun and Sam dae,as w ell as a series of novels w ritten betw een July 1922 and January 1931. This article illustrates Yom 's neutral,objective and panoramic depiction of the colonized society from four aspects: 'an ‘objective'record of modern society','voice of modern society from various characters','the mentality of modern public- a novelistic concern'. Through nuanced descriptions of the inner w orld of the characters,Yom brought Korean novel to an unprecedented level,thus w inning himself an unshakeable and irreplaceable status in the history of Korean novels.
Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition