
论麦凯恩《转吧,这伟大的世界》中的城市景观 被引量:8

The Urban Spectacles in Colum Mc Cann's Let the Great World Spin
摘要 2009年,科伦·麦凯恩的《转吧,这伟大的世界》荣获全国美国图书奖,并被视为第一部伟大的"9·11"小说。麦凯恩在其创作中通过形形色色人物的眼光,窥见上世纪70年代纽约光鲜灿烂景观背后的肮脏和破败,揭示出置身于后工业社会中的人们在消费景观、媒体景观影响下的创伤、迷茫、失意等复杂情感以及人与人之间的疏离关系。在对上述社会现象进行"文化诊断"的基础上,麦凯恩倡导人们基于同理心,跨越种族、民族和国家的界限,相互理解、彼此宽容,达到真正的和解。作品以其关于70年代的寓言式书写讽喻当下,对于后"9·11"时代积极情感的建构具有重要启示作用。 Colum Mc Cann's Let the Great World Spin, the winning fiction of the National Book Award in 2010, enjoys high reputation as the first great 9/11 novel, in which violence, crime and corruption behind the splendid spectacles in New York are exposed from the perspective of various characters who are suffering from complicated feelings of trauma, loss and frustration, as well as estranged relationships with each other, due to the impact of both consumerism and mass media in the post-industrialized society. Anatomizing social spectacles in the 1970's, Mc Cann suggests a possible redemption by crossing the boundaries of race, ethnicity and nation through empathy, which is of vital importance to the construction of positive emotions in the post-9/11 era.
作者 朴玉
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期5-13,共9页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
基金 教育部人文社科项目"21世纪美国小说城市景观研究"(16YJA752012)的阶段性成果
关键词 科伦·麦凯恩 《转吧 这伟大的世界》 景观 同理心 Colum McCann Let the Great World Spin spectacle empathy
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