
层状二硫化钼光催化产氢的研究进展 被引量:5

Research Progress of Two-dimensional Layered Material Molybdenum Disulfide
摘要 单层或少数层MoS_2是一种具有类石墨烯结构的新型二维层状化合物,拥有超薄的厚度、适宜的禁带宽度及独特的电学和光学性质,在场效应管、气体传感器、光探测器、锂电池和超电容等领域有广泛的应用价值。凭借其边缘悬挂键析氢催化活性高、比表面积大、抗光腐蚀性强等优点,二维MoS_2在光催化应用上展现了良好的潜力。介绍了二维MoS_2多样的晶体结构,分析了其能带可调、可见光吸收及催化析氢等特性,综述了二维MoS_2从电催化析氢到光催化析氢的研究进展,并结合自身研究展望了单层MoS_2作为直接光催化剂的潜在优势及其挑战。 Graphene-like molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), which is composed of a monolayer or few layers of MoS2, is a new two-dimensional layered material which has attracted considerable attention in the fields of field effect transistors, sensors, photoelectric devices, lithium batteries, and supercapacitors because of its ultra-thin thickness and specific physical and chemical properties, including electronic structure, chemical activity and optical properties. In addition, because of its effective activity for hydrogen evolution features, huge surface area and excellent chemical stability, two dimensional MoS2 becomes a good catalyst for hydrogen evolution, especially monolayers MoS2 having a band gap of 1.9 eV and direct band gap structure, becoming photocatalytic materials research focuses. The review briefly describes the basic structure and physical and chemical properties of two-dimensional MoS2, then details the catalyst used in hydrogen production aspects. Its potential advantages and challenges of the prospects as single photocatalyst are discussed. Finally, the outlook for the research of two-dimensional molybdenum disulfide nanomaterial is proposed.
出处 《半导体光电》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第4期461-466,共6页 Semiconductor Optoelectronics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51205275 51205276 51505324) 国家"863"计划项目(2013A041109) 山西省科技研究基金项目(2013021017-1 2017011019-1) 山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目(2013-035)
关键词 二维MoS2 光电性质 能带结构 光催化 2D MoS2 optoelectronic properties energy band structure photocatalytic
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