In Urumqi,according to different types of land use,45 topsoil samples were collected and physico- chemical indexes including of soil organic matter (SOM),pH and particle size of topsoil were measured to analyze the index characteristics of construction land, farmland and unutilized land in the process of urbani- zation,meanwhile the eorrelationships between factors were analyzed. The results showed that SOM con- tent in Urumqi was high,with a mean value of 48.70 g/kg,the variation coefficient was 24.10~ ,belonging to medium degree of variation. SOM contents of different land use types were in the order of construction land ~ unused land ~〉farmland. Soils in study area ranged from neutral weak alkaline. The pH values de- creased gradually from the unutilized land, construction land, and agricultural land. Particle composition of the soil was mainly silt, the content of coarse silt was the highest, followed by medium silt and fine silt, the contents of coarse sand and fine clay were low. The content of particle size in the different types of land use showed slightly difference, but the distribution regularity was consistent with the entire study area. Corre- lation analysis indicated that there were significantly positive correlationship between fine clay and SOM of construction land,for other types of land use,no significant correlationships were observed between soil particle size and SOM or pH. There were no significantly positive correlationship between SOM and pH.One way ANOVA analysis showed that the contents of SOM, pH, fine grain and coarse grain fractions were significantly affected by different land use types.
Journal of Northwest Forestry University