最近的环境设计不仅停留在有形的物质层面,而且更多地转向了无形的以精神为中心的设计。于是景观设计延伸概念所包括的新景观主义的景观设计不再是与产品设计、视觉、环境等特定领域相同意义的概念,而是一种社会文化的存在方式。20世纪是以理念、经济为中心的社会,未来则是向文化社会的生活方式转变的社会。为了更接近微观景观,设计的作用极大,人类以触觉为基础的触景问题是今后整合概念即景观设计的重要内容。公共设计不是设计对象所在的某个领域,而是在设计的过程和结果中是否具有公共性的价值,如果说有公共价值的话,那就是公共设计。因此Town Identity program的景观、城市构筑物、建筑、绿化空间、照明等形成的空间形象的构成,需要通过多种因素的综合协调才能完成,是城市形象在城市环境中一贯追求的战略意义。这就是整体设计的实践方法。
In recent years, environment design not only rests in tangible material, but also turns to invisible spirit-centered design. Landscape design concept has extended to New Landscape Movement which is no longer the same concept with product design, visual and environmental meaning of certain areas, but a social and cultural existence. 20 th century is a society centered on ideology, and economy, is the transition to a culture of life in the future society. In order to get closer to the microscopic landscape, design of great human based on Tactile-View issue is an important part of landscape design in the future of integrated concept. Public design is not a field that design objects reside in, but in the design process and whether it has public value. If there is public value, that is Public Design. The composition of images of urban structures, buildings, green space, lighting and space in Town landscape Identity program, need comprehensive coordination of several facts. It is of strategic significance in an urban environment design and it is the practice of the overall design method.
Design Research
Public Design
New Landscape Movement
tactile view
Total Design