
一种机载SAR快速几何精校正算法 被引量:6

A Fast Precise Geometric Calibration Method for Airborne SAR
摘要 几何定位精度是SAR在遥感测绘领域的一个重要技术指标。机载SAR具备高机动性、高分辨率、低成本等方面的优势,是SAR技术发展的一个重要方向。运动误差和地形起伏是机载SAR几何定位的重要误差来源。该文从SAR成像原理和成像几何的角度出发,深入研究了运动误差与地形起伏耦合下几何定位误差的产生机理,并在此基础上提出了一种快速几何精校正方法。仿真实验和实测数据结果验证了该方法的正确性和有效性。 Geometric positioning accuracy is an important technical indicator for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) in the geomatics domain. Airborne SAR is an important trend in SAR technology due to its advantages of high flexibility, high resolution, and low cost. Motion error and undulating terrain are the major sources of airborne SAR geometric positioning. In this paper, we consider the SAR imaging principle and imaging geometry to carefully examine the mechanism of geometric positioning error caused by the coupling of motion error and terrain fluctuation. Therefore, we propose a fast geometric precision correction method and verify the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method based on simulation results and experimental data.
出处 《雷达学报(中英文)》 CSCD 2016年第4期419-424,共6页 Journal of Radars
基金 国家863计划项目(2013AA092105) 测绘公益专项(201412002)~~
关键词 机载合成孔径雷达 几何定位 残余相位误差 运动补偿 运动误差 地形起伏 Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Geometric calibration Residual phase error MotionCompensation (MoCo) Motion error Terrain fluctuation
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