University governance is a common trend of higher education change in the world as well as a topic attracting greater and greater public interests in terms of Sino-Arnerican higher education de- velopment. There are significant differences of university governances in China and in the USA due to different cultures, traditions and environments. Firstly, from the perspective of governance structure, universities' leadership and administration in China is unified and controlled by the Party and presiden- tial bureaucracy, in which the Party and the presidential administration is the core role and the academic committee plays a supplementary role. And the attention of governance structure is paid at the institu- tional level, while faculties and departments lack autonomy. On the contrary, American universities share legal autonomy with faculty staffs, administrative departments and the academic committee. In contrast to universities in China, university governance in America focuses on the departmental level. Secondly, from the perspective of stakeholders, it should be admitted that participation of multi stake- holders has been seriously taken into account in the procedure of university governance both in China and in the USA. Nevertheless, in China, while the Party and the administration play a dominant role, faculty members, students and other stakeholders hardly show any impact. Contrarily in the USA, e- ven though the administration department has a large scale of power to govern a university, faculties still hold an important role. This is because in the USA the faculty-administration relationship is coop- erative. Thirdly, from the perspective of international climate, university governance in China is in- creasingly influenced by internationalization, marketization and professional organizations, but the im- pact of budget and funding is not the major influencing factor. However, the major factor which mostly impacts university in the USA is funding, rather than international and professional organizations.
Tsinghua Journal of Education
university governance
governance structure
comparativehigher education