
英国碳市场执法监管机制对中国的启示 被引量:11

British Regulatory System in Carbon Market and the Indication to China
摘要 碳市场作为新兴的具有环境属性的未来第一市场,建立健全其执法监管体系是加快推进生态文明建设不可缺少的重要组成部分,它直接关系到能否确保生态文明建设、环境和安全的大问题。通过对英国碳市场相关法律资料的分析,介绍其碳排放和交易过程中在监测、报告、核证等重要环节的技术要求与制度设计,分析市场和政府在碳交易体系中的角色定位以及监管体系中重要监管部门的设立和职权划分;梳理英国在碳交易体系中运用的惩罚机制;最后提出建立中国碳市场监管机制的法律建议。 Carbon trade market is one of the most prominent future markets with an environmental attribute. As an emer- ging market, it is important to build up a competent law enforcement and regulatory system, since it directly correlates to the major problems future society faces, namely the construction of ecologieal civilization, environmental protection and safety. On the basis of documentary analysis, this paper presents the technical requirements and institutional design in the monitoring, report and verification of emissions trading, and analyzes the roles of market and government as well as the mechanisms adopted in the carbon emission trading. The paper also presents the punishment mechanisms of U. K in carbon trading system; introduces the responsibility assignment and personnel allocation of different government departments of U. K in the emissions trading regulatory system, and finally gives the legal advice for establishing China' s carbon emissions trading regulation mechanism.
作者 樊威
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第17期235-240,共6页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 辽宁省社会科学基金项目"辽宁省海运温室气体减排市场化路径研究"(L12DFX017) "辽宁省循环经济促进条例的制定研究"(L13BFX007)
关键词 碳市场 监管体系 核证 报告 职权机构 carbon market emission trading regulatory system: reporting verification government department
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