
无能的意义:布拉格与卡夫卡的写作行为 被引量:1

The Meaning of Incompetent: Prague and Kafka's Writing Activity
摘要 百年卡夫卡研究偏重于对卡夫卡写作的内倾性定位,却忽视了卡夫卡的內倾性本身是他在具体的社会与文化生态中的选择,世界之交的布拉格是塑造卡夫卡"写作"行为的具体语境。在世纪之交的布拉格,犹太人群体在多元制衡的城市社会组织结构中形成了"依附"性的生存与写作方式。"依附"行为并非放弃而是凸显了决断意志的强度,产生了虚假的自我想象。在对"依附"性生存洞察其幻象的意义上,卡夫卡选择的是"无能"性生存,其"写作"是疏解强力意志、达致"无能"的途径。在卡夫卡以"写作"而实现"无能"的视野中,其作品中偏离叙事的实质是通过"延缓"而规避的意志独白,开放世界的无限多元。 The study of Kafka in the past hundred year lays particular stress on the inward or inherent lea- ture of Kafka' s writing, while neglects the fact that this inwardness itself is a choice made by him in the parti- cular social cultural environment. Prague at the turn of the century is the specific background of Kafka' s writ- ing, where the Jews have formed an "anaclisis" of existing and writing in the multi - balanced social struc- ture. But this "anaclisis" has enhanced rather than abolished the will of decisiveness, and created a illusive self - image. Based on his insight of the illusiveness of the "anaclisis", Kafka' s choice is the "incompetent" existing, and his "writing" is a way to dispel the decisive will and lead to incompetent. Under this perspec- tive, the essence of the deviating narrative in his works actually is a monologue of will that intend to evade by delaying, which has opened the unlimited diversity of the world.
作者 任龙 耿波
出处 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 2016年第3期138-145,共8页 Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
关键词 卡夫卡 依附型写作 无能型写作 Kafka writing of anacilisis writing of incompetent
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