
IEEE 802.16中支持QoS的有效带宽分配机制 被引量:1

Effective Bandwidth Allocation Mechanism of Supporting QoS in IEEE 802.16 Standard
摘要 基于IEEE 802.16协议,研究宽带无线接入网中保障QoS的有效带宽资源分配和调度问题。首先,在PMP模式下设计一个有效率的QoS调度算法,利用参数的调整提供更具有弹性的服务质量,以利于rt PS服务支持多媒体传输;然后利用标准中所提供的QoS参数调度各种不同类型的服务业务,分配上传带宽,进而达到有效地使用网络资源。仿真实验结果表明,本方案能够在保证QoS需求的同时,有效地分配带宽资源。 Based on IEEE 802.16 protocol, the effective bandwidth resource allocation and scheduling problem of the QoS guar- anteeing are studied on broadband wireless access network. First, an efficient QoS scheduling algorithm is designed in PMP mod- el. The algorithm uses the adjustment of parameter to provide more flexible service quality, in order to help riPS service support- ing the rapid growth of multimedia transmission. Then, QoS parameters provided by standards schedule various different types of service business and allocate upload bandwidth to reach the aim of using network resource effectively. Last, it is also verified by the numerical results of simulation experiments that the algorithm can guarantee the QoS requirements and allocate the bandwidth resource effectively.
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2016年第9期25-29,34,共6页 Computer and Modernization
关键词 宽带无线城域网 服务质量 调度算法 带宽分配模型 资源分配 WiMAX QoS scheduling algorithm bandwidth allocation model resource allocation
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