根据两轮独立驱动电动汽车驱动轮转矩、转速易于测得的优势,进行了基于路面识别的驱动防滑控制方法研究。确定了整车驱动防滑控制策略,在识别路面附着的基础上,采用PID控制器将驱动轮控制在最优滑转率附近。给出了路面识别原理,根据轮速传感器、侧向加速度、纵向加速度、转矩传感器信号对驱动轮滑转率、垂向力、纵向力进行计算,结合Burckhardt提出的μ-S函数曲线对路面附着系数与最优滑转率进行识别。基于Car Sim与Matlab/Simulink联合仿真实验,选择典型工况对控制方法进行了验证。结果表明:基于路面识别的驱动防滑控制方法能够较好识别路面附着系数和最优滑转率,具有良好的驱动防滑控制效果。
According to the advantages that the rotational speed and torque of the driving wheels are measured easily, the acceleration slip regulation control method of the electric vehicle with two independent drive wheels is studied based on the road identification. The acceleration slip regulation control strategy is determined. On the basis of the identification of the road adhesion, PID controllers are used to make the drive wheels work in the vicinity of the optimal slip ratio. The road identification principle is given. According to the signals of the wheel speed sensor, lateral acceleration sensor, longitudinal acceleration sensor and torque sensor, the slip ratio, vertical forces, longitudinal force of drive wheels are calculated. The road coefficient and optimum slip ratio are identified with the Burckhardt ~t-S curves by the road identification method. The acceleration slip regulation control method is verified based on the CarSim and Matlab/Simulink co-simulation in typical working condition. The results show that the method based on the road identification can identify the road adhesion coefficient and the optimal slip ratio accurately and it has a good control effect.
Journal of Liaoning University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)
electric vehicles
independent drive
acceleration slip regulation control