对不同PFC变换器结构进行对比研究,选取一种高效率的变换器拓扑结构——无桥拓扑结构。搭建无桥PFC变换器实验样机,验证比传统有桥PFC变换器提升0.5%樼1.5%。提出通过优化功率管的损耗进而优化整机效率的目标。对Si C开关管的开启时间和关断时间进行实验测试,验证其在无桥PFC变换器下效率可以达到98%以上,比使用Si MOS作为功率开关管的PFC变换器提升近1%。
After the comparison of different PFC topologies, a high efficiency topology was chosen--bridgeless PFC. According to the result of design, the experiment of prototype was fabricated and verified the bridgeless PFC circuit can improve the efficiency up to O. 5% - 1.5% when stable working. The goal of reducing the loss and impro- ving the efficiency through the optimization of power MOSFET was put forward. The opening time and turn-off time of PFC circuit by SiC MOS were tested and the experiment result showed that the PFC circuit by SiC MOS has a higher efficiency of 98%, 1% higher than the PFC circuit by Si MOS.