
协同信息搜索行为的触发情景因素探析——基于高校学生个人信息搜索失败情景 被引量:9

A Tentative Analysis on Triggering Contextual Factors of Cooperative Information Search Behavior——Based on the Context of Failure in Individual Information Search Among Colege Students
摘要 本文的目的是从"个人信息搜索失败后的弥补策略"视角来研究触发协同信息搜索行为的情景因素。论文首先构建了个人信息搜索失败后的弥补行为影响因素模型,在对高校学生进行问卷调查的基础上,从信息源视域、搜索策略分布、搜索策略变化幅度等方面进行了数据分析,重点探析了主体对搜索失败类型的感知、主体的信息源视域类型、时间紧急程度、信息重要程度等情景因素与搜索策略变化的相关性,为进一步研究协同信息搜索行为打下基础。 The objection of this paper is to explore the context factors of trigging collaborative information search behavior from the perspection of the reparative strategy after failure of personal information search. First, an influence factor model of reparative strategy after failure of personal information search is built. Then, according to the horizon of information source, distribution of search strategies, and extent of search strategies, a data analysis is made. The correlation among reparative strategy, types of search failure, categories of information source horizons, the degree of how urgent time is and the level of importance of information are focused studied. This work lays the foundation for further research on collaborative information search behavior.
作者 代君 郭世新
出处 《图书情报知识》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期62-72,共11页 Documentation,Information & Knowledge
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"基于信息视域的跨学科协同信息行为与特征研究"(14BTQ068)的成果之一
关键词 信息搜索失败 信息源视域 协同信息搜索 Information search failure Information source horizon Collaborative information search
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