
材料沉降对水平圆形管道保温层设计的影响 被引量:6

Influence of the Sink of Insulation Materials on Design of the Insulation Layer for Horizontal Circular Heating Pipelines
摘要 定量分析了保温层材料下沉对经济厚度计算的影响,并通过分析整个保温层传热的热通路提出了经济厚度法的修正方法.在理论上研究经济厚度法的设计思路,通过修改设计参数值研究不同设计参数对经济厚度的影响.利用修正后的经济厚度法对黄台电厂实际运行的热力管道保温层进行设计.结果表明:采用修正后的经济厚度法可以使年总费用节约0.7%左右;热力管道直径D_0、下沉率M和管内介质温度T_0是影响经济厚度设计的主要参数. Influence of the sink of insulation materials on calculation of the economic insulation thickness o- ver horizontal circular heating pipelines was quantatively analyzed, based on which a correction method was proposed for the design of economic insulation thickness by simultaneously analyzing the heat path of the whole insulation layer. The numerical method of economic thickness was studied theorectically, and the effects of design parameters on the economic thickness was researched by varying the parameters in an ac- ceptable range. Using the corrected numerical method of economic thickness, the insulation for heating pipelines actually operated in Huangtai Power Plant was designed. Results show that the annual insulation expense may be reduced by 0.7% after the insulation is designed by the corrected numerical method of eco- nomic thickness. The diameter of heating pipeline Do, the sink rate M and the medium temperature To in- side the pipeline are all the main factors influencing the design of the economic insulation thickness.
出处 《动力工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期759-764,共6页 Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51476136)
关键词 火电厂 热力管道 散热 保温 经济厚度法 power plant heating pipeline heat dissipation insulation economic thickness method
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