
旅游社区价值空间构成与人群差异 被引量:12

Spatial Constitution and Group Differences in Landscape Values in the Tourism Community
摘要 旅游社区是一个多群体介入的场所,景观价值空间的认识有助于理解社区内部不同利益群体间复杂的行为态度差异,为促进利益群体间的沟通和实施参与式社区规划管理提供理论与方法的新视角。研究援引人与景观交互关系理论,选取秦岭北麓汤峪镇旅游社区为案例地,采用景观价值分析方法与PPGIS技术相结合,考察了社区内三个不同利益群体(当地居民,外来游客和购房业主)景观感知价值的空间构成与分布特征及其差异性,结果表明:(1)人群的感知价值空间呈现非均匀集聚分布特征,在一些特殊场所形成感知的热点。(2)三个群体景观价值感知既有相似性,又表现出显著差异。差异包含空间分布差异和感知强度差异两个方面,反映出三个群体对社区景观的价值赋予与认同有着不同的想象。(3)造成差异的原因多样,既与景观本身的特征有关,又与各群体间与场所互动、情感联结和对功能性场所的依赖需求不同有关。(4)多群体价值空间的叠加分析,可为我们理解社区提供更为丰富的信息。根据三个群体的价值空间构成和分布,可以区分出若干一致性和非一致性区域,两种区域都具有一定的社区规划管理参考意义。 With the expansion of domestic tourism development activities, the social space of the tourism community is gradually evolving into a multi- group intervention place in which different groups based on different interests and concerns bond to different stakeholders. Meanwhile, the meaning structure of community has become increasingly complicated. However, not only does this change bring economic benefits for the community, it also leads to problems in many areas, such as group conflict among different stakeholders, distribution of benefits, and community planning and management, which have seriously impacted the sustainable development of a tourism community. To resolve these problems, it is necessary to further explore the underlying causes of these phenomena,understand different interest groups' concerns on the development of community tourism, and balance the benefit distribution among multiple groups. However, traditional tourism community studies, which frequently use an expert perspective and a top-down research pattern to explore community managerial and institutional construction, often fail to address these problems effectively.Community is a meaningful place and humans take action based on the meaning of the place;therefore, exploring the different groups' perceptions of place meaning and their value perceptions would be an effective way to identify the differences in attitudes, actions, and conflicts of interest of multiple groups, promote the participatory planning and management of a tourism community, and lead to a sustainable tourism development. The technological development of a public participation geographic information system(PPGIS) adopts a down- top research pattern, which could provide a democratic platform for community group to express their demands and contribute to visualizing the meaningful spatial and attribute characteristics of community places.Based on the theories of place meaning and human- landscape transactionalism, this study chose the Tangyu tourism community as a case study. PPGIS technology and the landscape value method were adopted to explore the spatial constitution, distribution, and perceived differences of landscape values among three interest groups(local residents, tourists, and estate proprietors). The results show that:(1) The spatial distribution of the three groups' value perception is uneven with an obviously place- directional and agglomerative character, i.e., these perceived landscape values form value hotspots in some special places, which are associated with natural and cultural scenic sites and major tourism service provision sites.(2) The landscape value perception of the three groups shares similarities, however, the perceived differences among the three groups are more significant, which can be distinguished as spatial difference and strength difference. The three groups have distinctly different imagination in assigning and identifying landscape values.(3) The reasons for these differences in value perceptions by these three groups are diverse, not only because of the characteristics of the landscape itself, but also related to the interaction, affective and functional connection between groups and the place.(4) The overlay analysis of multi- group value spaces can provide more information for understanding communities. From the value space structure and layout, areas of consistency and areas of inconsistency can be distinguished, which are both of community planning and management significance.
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期80-90,共11页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"西部乡村旅游社区多义空间构成与互动机理研究"(41171126)和"旅游开发背景下西部乡土景观价值结构 变化与效应"(41571174)共同资助~~
关键词 旅游社区 景观价值 PPGIS 多利益群体 tourism community landscape value PPGIS multi-interest group
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