目的了解2015年潍坊市麻疹流行病学特征,为制定麻疹防控、消除策略提供可靠的实验室依据。方法应用酶联免疫法对2015年潍坊市13个县(市、区)307份疑似麻疹患者的血清进行Ig M抗体检测,并对确诊病例的流行病学特征进行描述性分析。结果 2015年潍坊市麻疹Ig M抗体阳性141例,阳性率为45.93%。男女比例为1.27∶1;3~5月份为高发季节,共确诊107例,占全年总发病率的75.89%;人群以〈1岁婴幼儿和〉20岁的成人为主;地域上,寿光确诊病例居首,共52例(37.68%);其次分别为高密28例(20.29%),诸城21(15.22%)。结论加强婴幼儿的麻疹疫苗基础免疫,提高首针及时接种率,加强流动人群的监测,适时开展20岁以上重点人群的麻疹疫苗接种工作,整体提高人群的免疫水平,是控制消除麻疹的有效手段。
Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of measles in Weifang city in 2015,provide a reliable laboratory basis for the prevention,control and elimination strategy of measles. Methods Ig M antibodies in serum of 307 suspected cases from 13 counties were detected by ELISA,then the epidemiological characteristics were analyzed. Results There were 141 laboratory- confirmed cases,the positive rate was 45. 93%,and the ratio between men and women was 1. 27∶ 1. The morbidity peak focused on 3 to 5 month,there were 107 confirmed cases during this period. The high- risk groups concentrated on 〈1 year- old infant and 〉20- year- old adult. The high incidence mainly focused on three districts,Shouguang( 37. 68%),Gaomi( 20. 29%) and Zhucheng( 15. 22%). Conclusion To achieve the goal of the control and elimination measles,the measures that reinforce the surveillance on the measles should be performed,including strengthen the basis immunization vaccination on infants,monitor the floating population,timely carry out vaccination seeding on groups who are above 20 years and improve the whole immunity level of all populations.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
Epidemiological characteristics
Laboratory-confirmed cases