目的了解近5年广州番禺地区无偿献血人群抗-HIV感染情况,分析其人群特征,为本地区HIV预防宣传及无偿献血招募工作提供参考。方法回顾分析2010-2014年本地区无偿献血人群抗-HIV筛查及确证情况,查询抗HIV-1确证阳性者档案资料,用spss19.0软件统计分析流行病学资料。结果 158 320份标本中,WB(Western Blot)确证HIV-1阳性标本有26例,近5年本地区无偿献血人群HIV感染率1.64/万(26/158 320)。各年龄组比较:χ^2=13.47,P〈0.01,26例感染者均为40岁以下;不同文化程度组比较:χ^2=12.75,P〈0.01,高中以下学历占92.3%(24/26);不同职业组比较:χ^2=48.31,P〈0.01,其中工人组占76.9%(20/26);26例感染者中,非广州市户籍占96.15%(25/26),首次及重复献血者分别占76.9%、23.1%,有2例在CDC确证阳性后仍重复参加无偿献血,感染途径以非婚性传播为主。结论血站要继续严格HIV筛查的同时,还要从无偿献血招募工作开始把好关,结合血站信息系统对献血者尤其是低学历外来务工者进行有效的献血前健康征询,对于多次献血合格的再次献血者,也不能放松征询要求,避免有高危行为的人或者阳性病例参与无偿献血。
Objective To investigate the HIV infection of blood donors in the past five years,then to analyze the population characteristics,and to provide some references on HIV prevention and recruitment of volunteer blood donors in the region. Methods The situation on anti-HIV screening and confirmation from year 2010 to 2014 among blood donors was retrospectively analyzed. The archives of anti-HIV-1 positive donors was collected by querying,and the related population characteristics was analyzed using SPSS 19. 0 software. Results 26 cases out of 158 320 were confirmed as anti-HIV positive by WB. The HIV infection rate of blood donors in Panyu Guangzhou was 1. 64 /10 000( 26 /158 320). The age of the 26 individuals with HIV infection was compared: χ2= 13. 47,P 〈 0. 01. All were less than 40 years old. Education was compared:χ2= 12. 75,P 〈 0. 01,with low education level accounted for 92. 3%( 24 /26). Occupation was compared: χ2= 48. 31,P 〈0. 01,with factory workers accounted for 76. 9%( 20 /26). Among the 26 cases,non-Guangzhou household register accounted for 96. 15%( 25 /26),with initial and repeat blood donors respectively accounted for 76. 9% and 23. 1%. Two donors still participated in blood donation after being confirmed HIV-positive by CDC. The main route of infection was extramarital sexual transmission. Conclusion Blood station should continue to strictly screen anti-HIV and carry out protection from the beginning of the recruitment in voluntary blood donation. Using information systems,effective health consultation should be conducted for blood donors,especially the less educated male and migrant workers,before donation. For qualified donors to donate blood again,consultation requirements cannot be modified,in order to avoid those who have high-risk behavior or positive HIV cases to participate in voluntary blood donation.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
volunteer blood donors
HIV infection
population characteristics