
美国中小学生学业评价MAP系统及其启示 被引量:3

American elementary and secondary student academic evaluation MAP system and its implications
摘要 美国于20世纪90年代末期创建MAP学业评价系统。经过近20年的探索,该系统已成为一个被广泛应用并且取得了显著效果的评价系统。它以计算机为媒介,测评小学至高中的学生,具有题目数量大、学科范围广、反馈速度快等优势。它的实施主要基于教育评价机构、学区和学校的紧密配合。该系统能够提供不同层次的具有很强指导作用的评价报告。我国应借鉴美国的有益经验,坚持"以学生为中心"的评价理念,发挥校长与教师的重要作用,尽快将计算机应用于学生评价之中。 The MAP academic assessment system was created by American evaluators in the late 1990s. Through the exploration in twenty years, it has become a widely used assessment system and has produced positive effects. This system is based on computer medium and measures students academic achievements from elementary to high school. The system has its advantages which include a huge number of test items, a wide range of subjects, quick feedback and so on. Its implementation relies on the cooperation among ed- ucation evaluation agencies, districts and schools. The evaluation system can provide different kinds of reports that have strong functions in guiding schools, teachers and students. China should learn the valuable evaluation experience from America, persisting in the perspectives that evaluation should be student centered, and should encourage principals and teachers to play the important roles in student evaluation. The evaluation should use computer technology as soon as possible.
作者 蔡敏 高晓宇
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第5期72-77,共6页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 美国 中小学生 学业评价 MAP系统 America elementary and secondary students academic assessment MAP system
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  • 1Common Core State Standards Initiative. About the common core state standard[EB/OL]. [2015-12-08]. http://www, corestandard- sorg/about-t he-standards/.
  • 2Northwest Evaluation Association. NWEA:better testing for better understanding our history[EB/OL]. [2015-12-10]. https://www. nwea. org/about/history/.
  • 3Northwest Evaluation Association. Measures of academic progress interim assessments for grade K-12 [EB/OL]. [2016-03-06]. https:// www. nwea. org/content/uploads/2015/09/MAP-Comprehensive-Brochare-SEPT 15. pdf.
  • 4Beacon Charter High School. Intro to NWEA RIT scores for students and parents [EB/O]. [2015-12-20]. https://www, beaconart. org/decuments/teeh-briefs/TECHNICAL% 20BRIEF%20-%20Intro%20to%20NWEA%20RIT% 20Scores. pdf.
  • 5Northwest Evaluation Association. Teacher handbook for client-server MAP users [EB/OL]. [2015-12-20]. https://legacysupport. nwea. org/sites/www, nwea. org/files/resources/Teacher_Handbook, pdf.
  • 6Northwest Evaluation Association. Featured reports for measures of academic progress [EB/OL]. [2015-12-25]. https://www, nwea. org/assessments/map/reporting-data/featured-reports-measures-academic-progress-map-map-primary-grades/.










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