
日俄战争奉天善后论纲 被引量:2

The thesis of fengtian region's reconstruction and rehabilitation after the russo-japanese war
摘要 1904—1905年间,日俄两国因争夺中国东北而兵戎相见,奉天成了陆战的主战场,当地备受蹂躏,苦不堪言,奉天当局随即救济难民,展开善后。值得注意的是,与以往的战争善后不同,此次在救济难民方面开始了国际合作,尤其是进行了中国近代史上首次战争损害调查,尽管调查不免粗糙舛误,索赔也不了了之,但仍以翔实的数据揭示了中国官民生命财产蒙受损害的具体情况。更为可贵的是,奉天善后与社会改革同步推进,启动了社会转型。此间,自开商埠,进一步向世界开放;改设行省,与内地划一政体。总之,善后与改革并行,开启了奉天现代化的大幕。几年之后,奉天就呈现出复兴的景象。日俄战争使奉天蒙受了巨创深痛,但客观上为奉天的区域现代化提供了契机。 From 1904 to 1905, Japan and Russian sparked a war fighting each other in scrambling for the northeast land of China. During the war, Fengtian Region was the main battlefield and suffered heavy casualties and damages. In order to relieve refugees, Fengtian authorities began their reconstruction and rehabilitation immediately after the war. Unlike the past model, the Fengtian authorities conducted their remedy and assistance with the inclusion of international cooperation and they did the first war damage sur- vey in Chinese modern history. Although the survey sation eventually, it indeed provided the detailed and contained some mistakes and failed to obtain compen- accurate information including the number of Chinese official and civilian casualties and the explicit amount of property damages. What merits a special notes is the reform implemented during the course of Fengtian Region's reconstruction and rehabilitation helped to started a social transformation in the region. During the rehabilitation, Fengtian Region deepened its opening level to the world through setting off itself as a treaty port. Meanwhile, Fengtian transformed itself into a province and included itself into the mainland regime. Overall, the rehabilitation and the reform raised the curtain of Fengtian Province modernization process as only few years after the rehabilitation and re- form, Fengtian Province had regained its revival. It was recognized that the Russo-Japanese War resulted in a heavy disaster in Fengtian Province but objectively speaking, it also brought opportunities for Fengtian Province to press forward its modernity.
作者 喻大华
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第5期147-153,共7页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 辽宁省高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地专项项目"晚晴东北边疆危机与奉天开发"(ZJ2014032) 辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目"日俄战争奉天善后研究"(L14DZS013)
关键词 日俄战争 奉天 善后 损害调查 现代化转型 Russo-JapaneseWar Fengtian Region reconstruction and rehabilitation damage survey modernization transformation
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