
变迁中的大学知识范式和权力:西方大学章程的历史演变及其启示 被引量:6

The Knowledge Paradigm and Its Power in Transition:The Historical Evolution of the Western Universities' Charters and Its Enlightenment
摘要 从西方大学章程的历史演变来看,大学知识范式及权力在不断变迁与建构:中世纪中晚期的经院哲学知识神权化建构、文艺复兴之后的人文与科学知识王权化建构、启蒙运动时期的理性主义知识法权化建构、二战之后的科技知识商权化建构。其当代启示是:新型知识范式仍需在大学权力与社会权力相互耦合的秩序空间里获得发展;章程文本成为秩序空间载体与话语权场域;知识商权化倾向值得批判;我国章程建设应坚持知识法权化道路。 From the historical evolution of the western universities charters, the umversity knowledge paradigm and its power was in constant change and construction: the theocratic construction of scholasticism knowledge in the later medieval age, the monarchy politicization of humanities and science knowledge since the Renaissance, the legalization of rationalism knowledge during the age of Enlightenment, and the commercialization of technology knowledge after World War II. There' re such enlightenments from the historical progress: the new paradigm of knowledge should develop in the order space interconnected by university power and social power; charter text became the vehicle of order space and field domain of discourse power; the commercialization tendency of knowledge should be skeptical and critical; then, the construction of China universities' charters should follow the legalization of knowledge.
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期75-83,共9页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 国家社会科学基金(教育学)青年课题(CIA130171)
关键词 大学知识权力 大学章程 知识范式 秩序空间 话语权 university knowledge power university charter knowledge paradigm order space discourse power
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