
英国一流大学博士生培养机制及其启示——基于牛津大学教育学院的经验 被引量:7

Analysis of British First-Class Universities' PhD Candidate Cultivating Mechanism and Its Enlightenment——Experience from Education School of Oxford University
摘要 近年来英国高校博士生改革的关注点是将培养视为"学术训练的过程",强调博士生教育期间所获得的技能、素养和方法,关注知识的研究过程和技能的"可迁移性"。牛津大学教育学院的经验表明,保证博士生质量的培养环节主要有:基于综合能力测评的入学甄别,引入"生活化课程"和增加"集约化研究"的学术训练以及"双导师制"。体现了英国一流大学博士生培养以研究为导向的求真理念、跨学科的自由教育理念、互动式培养和个性化教育理念。 In recent years, the focus of Britain's universities PhD candidate education reform has been taking the cultivating process as a "training-based process", with the emphasis of the skill, knowledge and methods that doctoral students obtained during the education, and with the attention to the "mobility" of the research process and skills. The experience of the education school of Oxford University demonstrated that the main steps of doctor degree education include: the comprehensive capacity evaluation based entrance discrimination; the "life-course" and "research-intense" introduced academic training, and the "two named supervisors" system. All these reflect the research-oriented truth pursuit concept, the interdis- ciplinary liberal education philosophy, and the interactive training and personalized education ideas of the British first-class universities' doctoral students cultivating.
作者 韩萌
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期96-104,共9页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 国家社会科学基金(教育学)青年课题(CIA150185)
关键词 博士生 学科交叉 研究导向 互动式培养 自由教育 PhD candidate interdisciplinary research orientation interactive training liberal education.
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