"商茄1号"是商丘市农林科学院蔬菜研究所以自育的‘牛心2009-16’自交系和‘七叶2010-39’自交系进行交配育成的一代杂交品种。该品种生长强健,商品性好,高产优质,抗病性强。2014—2015年参加河南省区域试验,"商茄1号"每667m2平均前期产量998.99kg,较对照减产6.83%,每667m2平均总产量为4 788.20kg,较对照增产9.45%;2015年参加河南省生产试验,"商茄1号"每667m2平均前期产量为1 139.19kg,较对照减产5.92%,每667m2平均总产量达5 490.15kg,较对照增产11.99%。
‘Shang Qie No.1'belongs to Shangqiu Agriculture and Forestry Academy of Sciences,which was developed by crossing two inbred lines‘Niu Xin 2009-16'and ‘Seven 2010-39'.It is a new variety,with characterist of vigorous growth,good marketable,high yield and excellent quality,strong disease resistant.From 2014 to 2015,the experiment results of Henan Province regional indicated that,the early output of‘Shang Qie No.1'on an average of 998.99 kg per667m2 decreased 6.83%than CK,and the total output on an average of 4 788.20 kg per 667m2 increased 9.45%than CK.The provincial production test of 2015 showed that the early yield average of‘Shang Qie No.1'for 1 139.19 kg per667m2 decreased 5.92% than CK,and the total yield on an average of 5 490.15 kg per 667 m2 increased 11.99%than CK.
Northern Horticulture