
青岛市典型海岸带表层沉积物中邻苯二甲酸酯的组成、分布特征及生态风险评价 被引量:12

Distribution,chemical composition and ecological risk assessment of phthalic acid esters in surface sediments from typical coastal zones of Qingdao City
摘要 在青岛市典型海岸带区域采集25个表层沉积物样品,对美国环境保护署(USEPA)优先控制的6种邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)化合物含量进行测定,并对其分布特征、污染水平进行研究,同时展开了生态风险评价。青岛周边典型海岸带表层沉积物中6种PAEs中仅测定出邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)、邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)3种,3种PAEs总量为17.10×10-9~3446.49×10-9,各检出物质含量范围由高到低依次为:DEHP(ND^3209.83×10-9),DBP(ND^2744.35×10-9),DMP(1.70×10-9~95.45×10-9)。其中个别海岸带样品中PAEs污染较严重,但与国内外海洋沉积物中PAEs含量水平相比处于中等偏低水平。生态风险评价显示,除少数站点外,青岛市典型海岸带表层沉积物中PAEs污染物对环境危害较低。 In order to investigate and assess the pollution level of phthalic acid esters( PAEs) in surface sediments from typical coastal zones of Qingdao City,Shandong Province,25 surface sediments samples were collected and contents of 6 PAEs compounds that classified by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency( USEPA) as priority pollutants were determined. The results indicated only 3 compounds of the 6 PAEs were detected. The total concentrations of the detected PAEs in sediments ranged from 17. 10 × 10^-9to 3446. 49 × 10^-9,and various concentrations of PAEs were ordered by DEHP( ND ~ 3209. 83 × 10^-9)〉 DBP( ND ~ 2744. 35 × 10^-9)〉DMP( 1. 70 × 10^-9~ 95. 45 ×10^-9). Comparing with other areas around the world,the surface sediments from typical coastal zones in Qingdao Cityof PAEs pollution were in the middle level. The result of the ecological risk assessment shows little negative effect for most individual PAEs in surface sediments of typical coastal zones around Qingdao City.
出处 《海洋环境科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期652-657,共6页 Marine Environmental Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41306064) 国土资源部公益性行业基金项目(201411072) 中国地质调查局地质调查工作项目(GZH201100203 12120113015400) 国家科技基础性工作专项(2013FY112200)
关键词 青岛市 海岸带 沉积物 邻苯二甲酸酯 分布 生态风险评价 Qingdao City coastal zones sediment phthalic acid esters distribution ecological risk assessment
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