Aeolian deposits, such as loess/paleosol and red clay, have been widely used for the reconstruction of paleoclimate(such as the evolution of East Asian Monsoon).Previous studies have more focused on the aeolian deposit on Chinese Loess Plateau(CLP), the largest and most extensive area of such deposits in China.Here, we describe and interpret an 88.4-m-thick Neogene aeolian sequence in the lower part of Caihonggou Formation containing 40 visually-defined, brownish-red clay and gray caliche nodule layers in the eastern Xorhol Basin, northeast of the Tibetan Plateau.The study section is located in the north Xorkol Basin of Ruoqiang Town, Ruoqiang County, Xinjiang, with starting coordinates and elevation of 38°57'09"N, 91°30'41"E and 3652m a.s.l., as well as the ending ones of 38°55'30.65"N, 91°30'57.21"E and 3635m a.s.l.Both sedimentary features and similarities to the typical aeolian deposit on the CLP point to its eaolian origin.Typical samples from different parts of the sequence have been used for rock magnetism analysis and distinguished characters have been explored along the sequence.Based on the constraints of contact relation and mammalian fossils (Stephanocemas? sp.), magnetostratigraphic results show that the sequence spans from chron C5An.4r to chron C2r, indicating that the sequence was deposited between ca.13.0Ma and 2.6Ma.The sequence can be divided into two parts with different climate conditions according to magnetic susceptibility and carriers of magnetic remanence:the lower part(13.0~11.5Ma)indicates a more changeable climate with higher magnetic susceptibility values(average 15×10-8m3/kg) dominated by magnetite; the upper part(10.3~2.6Ma) reflects a drier climate with lower, stable magnetic susceptibility values (average 9.5×10-8 m3/kg) mainly arising from hematite.Transition stage(11.5~10.3Ma)in the middle is characterized for sharp decrease of magnetic susceptibility.Our results indicate that an episode of intensified aridity in the Asian interior occurred between 11.5Ma and 10.3Ma, which have been widely reported in Western China.The intensified aridity event may resulted from the outgrowth of Tibetan Plateau, with the background of global cooling and retreat of Neotethys Ocean during the Cenozoic.
Quaternary Sciences
Altun, red clay, magnetostratigraphy, magnetic susceptibility, paleoclimate