

An extended label correcting method for the SUM-MIN bi-criterion path problem in logistics transportation network
摘要 研究了物流运输网络SUM-MIN双目标路径问题.基于模糊规划方法提出了一种求解SUM-MIN双目标路径问题的目标函数集成方法,以及集成后目标函数的扩展标号法.在将双目标转化为单目标时,综合考虑了每个目标的边缘评价和两个目标的整体评价因素,通过对每个目标分配的权重将决策者的偏好充分体现到决策过程中,采用广义的模糊目标集成算子形成了相应的折衷规划模型.最后,通过实例对所提方法进行了说明. The paper concentrates on the SUM-MIN bi-criterion path problem in the logistics transportation network. An objective aggregation method based on the fuzzy compromise programming technique and an extended label correcting method to solve the aggregated objective are proposed. In the process of aggregating multiple objectives to a single one, the edge evaluation for each objective and the overall evaluation for all the objectives are considered. By assigning the weights to each objective, the decision maker's preference information can be integrated in this aggregation process, and the fuzzy compromise solution can be obtained with the generic aggregation method. Finally, a numerical example shows the solution process of the proposed approach.
作者 韩世莲
出处 《运筹学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期121-128,共8页 Operations Research Transactions
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.71371049) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金(No.13YJA630025) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金
关键词 物流管理 模糊折衷模型 扩展标号法 SUM-MIN双目标路径问题 logistics management, fuzzy compromise programming, extended labelcorrecting method, SUM-MIN bi-criterion path problem
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