1Pierre Manent,A World beyond Politics? A Defense ofthe Nation-State,translated by Marc Lepain, Princeton and Ox-ford: Princeton University Press,2006,pp. 27 - 28.
3John Rawls, A Theory of Justice , Cambridge MA.:Harvard University Press, 1971 ,p. 17.
4Samuel Scheffler, The Appeal of Political Liberalism.Ethics ,Yo\. 105 , No. 1 (Oct.,1994),pp. 4 - 22.
5John Rawls, PoLitial Liberalism , New York: ColumbiaUniversity Press, 1993 , p. 11.
6H. L. A. Hart,Rawls on Liberty and Its Priority, The L/-niversity of Chicago Lazv Review -, Vol. 40 , No. 3 (Spring, 1973 ),pp, 534 - 555.
7Victoria Davion &. Clark Wolf. The Idea of a PoliticalLiberalism : Essays on Razvls , Lanham Md. : Rowman 8>: LittlefieldPublishers, 2000,p. 4.
9Samuel Freeman, Rawls^ London &- New York: Rout-ledge,2007 ,p. 366.
10Samuel Freeman,Cambridge Companion to Razvls,Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,2003 , p. 368.