
中国区域金融发展水平测度与比较分析——基于省际面板数据(2004—2013) 被引量:30

The Measurement and Comparative Analysis on Regional Financial Development Level in China——Based on the Provincial Panel Data from 2004 to 2013
摘要 如何界定和测度金融发展水平仍存在一定争议。基于世界银行主张的基本概念框架,结合综合开发研究院提出的指标体系,构建区域金融发展水平综合评价体系,并用因子分析法对我国30个省(市)2004—2013年金融发展水平进行测度与排名。测算结果显示:从整体来看,东、中、西部金融发展呈现出明显的不平衡;从各省(市)来看,其金融发展水平亦呈现出不平衡的特点,这一特征在西部表现尤为明显;从综合排序来看,各省(市)总体变化不大,绝大部分东部省份排名靠前,中部省份排名偏后。根据各区域金融发展公因子得分可知,中西部各省提高金融发展整体水平的关键在于提高金融效率、完善金融市场。 There are still some debates on the issue that How to define and measure the financial development level,Based on the basic concept frame advocated by World Bank, and combined with index system by the China Development Institute,this paper constructs the comprehensively evaluation index system of region financial development,measuring and ranking the financial development level of 30 provinces from 2004 to 2013 by the factor analysis method.The result show that on the whole, there exists clear imbalance in the eastern, middle and western areas; The financial development level of different provinces also demonstrates the characteristics of the imbalance,especially in the western area;The provinces change little in the comprehensive ranking,Most of the eastern provinces are in top,and the middle provinces are almost low-ranking. According to the scores of the common factors of financial development in different regions,Improving the financial efficiency and perfecting the financial market is the key to raising the overall level of financial development in midwest area.
作者 熊学萍 谭霖
出处 《经济与管理》 CSSCI 2016年第5期72-78,共7页 Economy and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金(71103069) 湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划(T201529)
关键词 区域金融 金融发展水平 综合评价指标体系 因子分析 Regional financial Financial development level Comprehensive evaluation index system Factor analysis
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