
经济能源新形势下世界炼油工业发展动向 被引量:2

Development trend of world refining industry in new economic and energy situation
摘要 综述了全球经济形势及能源结构调整情况,分析了炼油工业发展新动向。全球经济增长缓慢,能源消费增速下降。炼油格局继续调整,产业集中度进一步提高。石油供需宽松、油价低位促使炼厂开工率及利润上升,炼油业整体发展前景良好。指出炼油技术发展将继续侧重清洁燃料生产、催化裂化、节能减排等热点问题,与其他能源技术、网络技术相融合的多元化、跨学科能源集成技术将是未来炼油技术的创新方向。 The global economic situation and energy structure adjustment were summarized,and the new trend of refining industry development was analyzed. The growth of global economy was slowing,and the rising rate of energy consumption was falling. The global refining pattern continued to be adjusted and industry concentration was further improved. The excessive supply of oil stocks and low oil prices led to higher refinery utilization rate and refining margins,and the whole refining industry had good prospects for development. It was pointed out that refining technologies development would continue to focus on hot spot problems such as production of clean fuels,catalytic cracking,energy saving and emission reduction,etc. In the future,the diversity and transdisciplinary energy integration technology combined with other energy technologies and network technology would be the innovation trend of refining technology.
作者 李雪静 乔明
出处 《石化技术与应用》 CAS 2016年第5期357-364,共8页 Petrochemical Technology & Application
关键词 能源 经济 石油 炼油工业 催化裂化 加氢处理 清洁燃料 节能减排 energy economy oil refining industry catalytic cracking hydrotreating clean fuel energy saving and emission reduction
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