

Optimal relay selection analysis in cooperative secure transmission system
摘要 对于中继不可信的多中继协同传输模型,主要针对如何构建协同安全系统,即利用人工干扰实现系统安全时的协同策略问题。协同系统构建完成后,又考虑了各中继节点间如何进行功率分配来提高系统安全性问题。分别采用等功率分配与最佳功率分配的方式,分析了不同中继节点分布场景下,最佳中继节点选择。结果表明,采用人工干扰的方式能够保证系统的安全传输,最佳中继的选择能够提高系统的安全性能。 It is mainly focused on how to build a cooperative security system, that means using the jamming to achieve cooperative strategy, for the multi untrusted relay system. After the construction of the cooperative system, the problem of how to improve the security of the system is also considered. Equal power allocation and optimal power allocation are used in this paper. The optimal relay selection is a.nalyzed under different relay distribution scenarios. The results show that the jamming can ensure the safe trans- mission of the system and the optimal relay selection can improve the security performance of the system.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2016年第9期51-55,76,共6页 Video Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61501511)
关键词 中继不可信 人工干扰 功率分配 最佳中继 untrusted relay jamming power allocation optimal relay
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