
Science 2.0:科学活动新范式 被引量:10

Science 2. 0: The new paradigm of scientific activity
摘要 互联网的诞生与发展,全方位改变了人类的社会生活,Science 2.0概念的提出,实际上是就互联网对科学活动影响的初步概括,随着互联网技术的进步,科学交流不断获得新的工具和平台,传统的科学活动正面临更开放的环境,并可能引发整个科学系统的变革。Science 2.0让个体研究走向在线协作,使成果交流变成互动探索,成果刊布也由纸媒传播走向即时在线,全面提升了科学交流的时效性和广泛性。科学活动因互联网发展而正在发生的这一重大变革,应当引起足够的重视和研究。 The emergence and development of Internet has rapidly transformed all aspects of our life. The term Science 2.0 describes what is currently happening in science with networking power of the internet. The changes happening in the status quo of scientific activity include the new emerging communication tools and interactive platforms, a more open environment and even a new paradigm shift impacting the entire scientific process. Science 2.0 allows individuals not only to collaborate with each other online but also to share ideas, methods, data and findings besides their published papers. At the same time, the transition from print media to instant messaging contributes to the timeliness and universality of scientific communications. Researchers should pay more attention to this transformation, which can be realized by the network technologies in future.
作者 吴爽 徐飞
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期1281-1286,共6页 Studies in Science of Science
关键词 SCIENCE 2.0 科学活动 WEB 2.0 科学交流 开放科学 Science 2.0 scientific activity Web 2.0 scientific communication open science
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