
山中伸弥的“论文—专利”二元行为模式分析 被引量:2

Paper–Patent Binary Behavior Pattern Analysis of Shinya Yamanaka
摘要 一般认为,科学家尤其是诺贝尔奖科学家科学研究工作成果的主要发表形式是科学论文。但近年来的趋势表明,诺贝尔奖科学家也在大量地申请专利,即便是那些看起来从事基础科学研究的学者,也表现出强烈的专利意识。日本科学家、2012年诺贝尔生理或医学奖得主山中伸弥是其中典型的代表。山中伸弥"论文—专利"行为模式,存在着明显的逻辑合理性和行动连续性,值得我国科学家学习。作为驱动力量的日本科技政策,也值得我国科技政策制定者借鉴参考。 It is generally believed that the main form of scientific research results of scientists is scientific papers, in particular for the Nobel scientists' work. But trends of recent years show that Nobel scientists have also applied for a large number of patents, even those scientists seemed to be engaged in basic scientific research have showed a strong patent awareness. Shinya Yamanaka, the 2012 Nobel Prize Winner from Japan, is one of the typical representatives. As one of the pioneers on the research of iPS, Shinya Yamanaka, whose published scientific papers have been cited most at present, has applied for several patents in dozens of countries including US. We found that the Paper-Patent binary behavior pattern of Shinya Yamanaka, which has obvious logical rationality and continuity of action, is worth of learning by our scientists. We suggest that the most magnificent tasks in science are to change original scientific research mode that scientists and engineers are quite distinct from each other and to promote the integration and collaboration among scientists and engineers, thus not only to produce high level scientific papers, but also to explore new technology principle, accelerate the production of major basic and original new technologies, acquire independent intellectual property rights, and promote the realization of the original innovation. Promoting scientists forming the Paper-Patent binary behavior pattern needs not only scientists' self cultivation and promotion of patent awareness, but also guidance and motivation at the policy level. Policy makers should positively adjust present patent policy and encourage technological patent for inventions transformed from basic research results. Intellectual property appraisal activities of major economic and technological activities carried out at present is a good beginning. Meanwhile, it is necessary to examine their performance on international academic frontiers of high-level results output, both publish of high-level scientific papers and transform the academic results into technology, in the evaluation of scientists and engineers. Both the dominant and direct benefits output, and the medium and long term potential of technological innovation and industrial innovation, were considered during our investigation.
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 CSCD 2016年第9期1088-1095,共8页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金(13CGL019)
关键词 山中伸弥 论文—专利 发明发现性实验 Shinya Yamanaka, paper-patent, invention discovery experiment
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