
新生代大学生校园融合问题影响因素分析与探究 被引量:1

Research and Analysis of Integration Influence Factors in College Campus in New Era
摘要 新生代大学生处于"个体——分离化"的第二阶段,与家庭的弱依附性及朋辈互动的缺乏导致新生代大学生面临校园融合困境。借鉴心理学家马勒及国外学者Blos"个体——分离化"相关理论,本文采用问卷调查方法对新生代大学生的校园融合困境进行分析,通过对问卷整合、分析得出以下结论:新生代大学生在校园融合的过程中存在性别差异,加强新生代大学生与家庭的依附性及与朋辈的互动性对他们融入校园有显著的正向效能。 New generation students in colleges and universities stay in the second stage of " individualseparationMandthe weakly dependence with family and the lack of peer interaction lead to integration difficultiesof new generation college students. Based on the theory of "individual - separation" of PsychologistsMahler,this paper uses the questionnaire survey method to analyze integration difficulties of new generationcollege campus. Through the analysis,this article gets the following conclusions : there is gender differencesof new generation college campus on campus fusion problem,strengthen the dependent with their parents andpeer interaction are the key factors to promote their effective campus fusion.
机构地区 武夷学院
出处 《湘南学院学报》 2016年第4期97-102,共6页 Journal of Xiangnan University
关键词 新生代大学生 校园融合 依附性 朋辈互动 new generation college students campus integration independence peer interaction
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