
初始pH值对畜禽粪便和菌渣混合高温堆肥的影响 被引量:27

Effects of initial pH values on maturity and nitrogen loss during co-composting of pig manure and edible fungus residue
摘要 以猪粪和菌渣为主要原料,过磷酸钙和石灰作为pH调节剂,设计8个不同pH值的堆肥处理,研究堆肥初始pH值与堆肥腐熟进程及理化性状的关系。结果表明,在本试验条件下,随着堆肥初始p H值的提高,堆肥升温速率、最高温度和有机物降解率均上升。然而,p H值的提高导致堆肥中NH_4^+-N的积累量下降,堆肥产品中氮素损失上升。综合考虑堆肥效率和产品质量等因素,建议畜禽粪便堆肥中添加石灰量不要超过堆料鲜质量的0.6%或添加过磷酸钙量不要超过堆料鲜质量的5.2%。堆肥初始pH值在6.42~6.83之间有利于减少氮素损失和提高堆肥效率。 In order to evaluate the effect of initial p H on maturity and nitrogen loss during co-composting with pig manure and edible fungus residue,8 co-composting treatments of varied initial p H values were designed,with lime and calcium superphosphate as acid-base additives. It was shown that the heating rate and decomposition rate of organic matter increased with the elevated initial p H. However,the elevated initial pH decreased NH4^+-N accumulation,and induced higher N loss during composting. In conclusion,it was suggested that any attempt to shorten the composting period and simultaneously improve the quality of compost,the initial pH should be controlled within6. 42-6. 83 for co-composting of pig manure and edible fungus residue. The quantity of amended lime or calcium superphosphate for pH adjusting should be no more than 0. 6% or 5. 2%,respectively,of the fresh weight of composting mixture.
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期1595-1602,共8页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
基金 江山市科技项目(2014C16) 浙江省科技项目(2015C32123)
关键词 pH值 农业废弃物 堆肥 铵氮累积 pH agricultural wastes composting ammonium accumulation
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