
基于飞行器网络控制系统的多速率控制器设计 被引量:1

Guaranteed Cost Controller with Multi-rate for Networked flight control system
摘要 为了减少网络环境中的时延和数据包丢失对飞行器网络控制器系统的影响,设计了一种具有多速率的保性能控制器设计方法;多速率是指在具有多通道数据传输的系统中,各通道所需控制输入的频率不完全相同;在存在时延和丢包的情况下,利用增广技术对飞行器控制系统在整个循环周期内建立离散模型,此时为了使多速率控制方法更加有效,先基于此模型在控制器输入端构造一个预测器,根据预测器的输出为整个系统设计一个具有多控制速率的动态输出反馈控制器;然后给出并证明保性能控制器的存在条件和求解方法;最后通过某飞行器网络控制系统的数值算例验证了所提方法的有效性。 In this paper,the guaranteed cost controller with multi-rate sampling is designed for the networked flight control systems with multiple data transmission channels,under the consideration of the networked-induced time delay and packet dropout.Multi-rate refers to different sampling period for each channel in systems with multiple data transmission channels.Considering the time delay and packet dropout,this paper firstly establishes the model for the networked flight control systems over the entire cycle period with the lifted technology.Based on this model,apredictive equation for the output of the object and a dynamic output feedback controller with multi-rate are designed to make the multi-rate control actions more effective.Sufficient conditions to guarantee the stability and performance index of control system and solutions of this problem is derive.Then the numerical simulation on a networked flight control system is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 2016年第9期158-162,169,共6页 Computer Measurement &Control
关键词 飞行器网络控制系统 多速率控制 输出预测器 保性能控制 networked flight control system multi-rate control output predictor guaranteed cost control
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