
神和乃囮:利玛窦世界地图的在华传播及其本土化 被引量:8

Spirit Fusion and Metaplasia Role: Ricci's World Maps Spreading in China and Their Localization
摘要 在西学东渐史上,利玛窦是一个标志性的人物。他不仅在中国用汉语编写《天主实义》和《交友论》,阐释基督教神学和伦理思想,提出对儒佛的独到分析;与徐光启合译《几何原本》前六卷;并多次译绘汉文世界地图,为中国乃至东亚世界首次完整地展示了世界的面貌。该图见之于明确文字记载的自刻、他人翻刻和摹绘版本多达十余种。笔者根据利玛窦世界地图刊刻和传播的实况,将其版本分为《大瀛全图》与《山海舆地图》、《坤舆万国全图》、《两仪玄览图》三个系列和木刻本、彩绘绢本两种形式;并就"地圆说"与地球知识、"五大州"与"万国"的概念、西方人文地理知识点的介绍及其与中国文化的对话等诸多方面,讨论了利氏世界地图中所传送的新知识、新方法和新词汇,指出该图是明清士人理解整个世界的一个重要的窗口。论文还通过熊明遇的《格致草》、熊人霖的《地纬》、王在晋的《海防纂要》以及晚清的《海国图志》和《瀛寰志略》等,分析了利氏世界地图在晚明至晚清二度本土化的过程,指出该地图在晚清西学知识重建过程中所产生的意义。 IN the history of the spread of Western learning into China, Ricci was an iconic figure. He not only wrote The True Meaning of the Lord and On Friendship in Chinese, which interpreted of the Christian theology and Ethics, presented the original a-nalysis of Confucianism and Buddhism. But also he and Xu Guang -q i translated the before six volumes of Geometry originally ^ sev-eral translated and painted many world maps in Chinese, which first fully demonstrated the world, s face of the world for China and East Asia. The version of Ricci's world maps up to a dozen species that could been seen in the clear written records, such as their own block printed edition, other's re block painted and copy edition. According to the publication and carving and dissemination of Ricci's world maps, its versions could been divided into three categories such as Da Ying Quantu and Shanhai Yuditu, Kunyu Wan- guo Quantu and Liangyi Xuanlantu, its printing had two forms such as woodcut and painted on the silk. The author discussed the new knowledge, new methods and new vocabulary from Ricci's world maps, included many aspects such as athe idea of a spherical earth” with the knowledge of Earth,the concept of “five continents” and “all of the nations” , introduction the knowledge of western human geography and its dialogue with Chinese culture. The article pointed out that Ricci's world maps were important windows for the scholars in Ming Dynasty to understand the whole world. The paper also analyzed the second time localization process of Ricci's world maps in the late Ming Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, by the cases of Xiong Ming - yu's Gezhi Cao, Xiong Ren - lin's Diwei, Wang Zai - jin's Haifang Zuanyao and the late Qing Haiguo Tuzhi and Ying Huan Zhilue, etc. The researches show that Ricci's world maps generate great significance in the process of western knowledge reconstruction during the late Qing Dynasty.
作者 邹振环
机构地区 复旦大学历史系
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期5-17,共13页 Historical Research In Anhui
关键词 利玛窦 世界地图 地圆意识 万国 五大洲 本土化 Matteo Ricci world map the earth circular theory all of the nations five continents localization
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